whatever you want

Cultural appropriation bingo

Last week, a friend tagged me to tell me about a post on Jezebel about cultural appropriation, that happened to feature an old project of mine: the cultural appropriation "Bingo card." "Bingo cards" have become a popular way to track and raise awareness about the common phrases and arguments that come up over and over again when certain social justice...[ read more ]

AAMFT 2012 presentation

It's been a quiet couple of months on the blog here as summer has ended and fall has begun.  I'm at the AAMFT Annual Conference in Charlotte, NC where I'm presenting with Dr. Michael Loewy of Alliant International University on our research about one of his doctoral electives. Dr. Loewy has offered a "Fat Acceptance and Health at Every Size"...[ read more ]

Quick post: Independence Day

As we take a day to celebrate American independence, here's some freedoms worth celebrating. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] My ancestor George Wythe is somewhere in here. Thanks George![/caption] - Independence from dieting.  We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all [people] are unique, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life,...[ read more ]

Freaky Friday: Gay marriage opponent does an about-face.

David Blankenhorn, known for testifying in favor of California's Proposition 8, has come out in support of gay marriage. Instead of fighting gay marriage, I’d like to help build new coalitions bringing together gays who want to strengthen marriage with straight people who want to do the same. Yeah, it's kind of like that.  I'm still... kind of stunned!  But...[ read more ]

Quick post: A great example of using one’s privilege for good.

This post from Bruce Reyes-Chow is a great example of a concrete answer to the question I tried to address in my previous post, "well what do you expect me to do if I have this privilege you're talking about?" Chow is a Presbyterian minister with a certain amount of pull in his church, having served a two-year term as...[ read more ]



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