whatever you want

Video: Reparative therapy

In our talk for AAMFT on "Queer Research," Dr. Kristen Benson and I couldn't include all the videos we would have liked to use. There just wasn't enough time. One that we had to cut was this timely and important video on reparative therapy. Share your thoughts in the comments!

“Queering Research”

When we read research about sexual and gender minorities, it's my belief that we have an ethical responsibility to engage it critically.  I personally find queer theory to be a useful lens for this kind of critical thinking about research.  I have drawn up this list of questions to suggest a "queered" way of looking at the literature in this...[ read more ]

“Always My Son” – from the Family Acceptance Project

This video is the result of research by the Family Acceptance Project at San Francisco State University. It's meant as a tool for outreach to rejecting parents of GLBT kids.  This project is an excellent example of how research can be an ally to queer people and their families, when it focuses on something beyond the "nature or nurture?" question.



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