whatever you want

I’m speaking at AAMFT 2016!

I'll be presenting a workshop at AAMFT 2016 in Indianapolis next week.  My talk is called "Difficult Dialogues: A Cultural Humility Approach to Broaching Cultural Issues," and you can have a look at my slides at the link there.  It's a fairly similar talk to the one I gave at the ACA Conference in Montreal earlier this year with the...[ read more ]

AAMFT 2012 presentation

It's been a quiet couple of months on the blog here as summer has ended and fall has begun.  I'm at the AAMFT Annual Conference in Charlotte, NC where I'm presenting with Dr. Michael Loewy of Alliant International University on our research about one of his doctoral electives. Dr. Loewy has offered a "Fat Acceptance and Health at Every Size"...[ read more ]

Greetings from AFTA

I'm at the American Family Therapy Academy's annual meeting/conference this week.  Fortunately it's in my backyard.  Unfortunately this means driving across the Bay Bridge in rush hour traffic every morning for the opening plenary. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="@bacigalupe (AFTA President-elect) and @drsaddison at the AFTA Special Event"][/caption] Doing family-therapy-y, social-justice-y stuff all day is hard work!  I'm beat! Also...[ read more ]

MFT and the Culture Wars

Over at his excellent blog MFT Progress Notes, my friend and colleague Dr. Ben Caldwell has been regularly blogging about the issue of therapists who have religious or moral objections to homosexuality.  There has been a flurry of legal cases against various schools and employers in the past couple of years, all of them due to students or therapists being...[ read more ]

“Virginia Satir” post featured at Geek Feminism

The always-amazing blog Geek Feminism has a series called "Wednesday Geek Woman," where they solicit guest posts about women, past or present, who represent excellence and passionate devotion in their field of interest.  For the most part, the series has focused on women in the STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering, and math), fields that are notoriously hostile to women and...[ read more ]



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