whatever you want

Weighing in on “The Weight of the Nation”

For those who haven't heard, HBO is airing a two-part documentary on May 14 and 15, called "The Weight of the Nation."  It's getting a tremendous amount of press, and is being promoted by The Center for Disease Control and National Institute of Health, who were partners in making it. Unfortunately, it looks like it's going to be the same...[ read more ]

It’s leap year!

Happy day-that-only-comes-every-four-years!  And although I've been too busy lately to pay attention to my blog properly (or even make occasional  posts to my Twitter feed), I decided I would leap (ha) on this opportunity to post a few things that make me jump for joy. Margaret Cho's awesome rant about getting mad on Twitter at people who criticize her face...[ read more ]

Time for linkspam!

1) This little girl is complaining about the very thing I was getting out in Bad Santa Part II:  gender policing.  Yay for her supportive dad! 2) Feminists and family therapists take note:  Sick [heterosexually-married] men get support from their wives.  Sick [heterosexually-married] women get... divorced.  (Gay people don't exist, and single people die in a ditch, I guess.) 3)...[ read more ]

A little linkspam

I've been working on a post about family therapy and the "Occupy" movement for what seems like weeks now, and meant to get it finished over the Thanksgiving holiday, but other projects got in the way.  (I mean what would I wear to Dickens Fair if I didn't finish sewing buttons on my skirt and dressing my hat?) [caption id=""...[ read more ]

Friday quick post: “When I Get Thin” cartoon

From cartoonist Ampersand, a piece about what Kate Harding called the "Fantasy of Being Thin":  



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