whatever you want

What can you tell about someone by looking at their body?

A quick update to highlight this post by the awesome Ragen Chastane:   Or, as she and Marilyn Wann and others have noted, the only thing you can tell for sure from looking at a fat person is how much prejudice you carry about fat people.

Love Your Body Day

So today is Love Your Body Day according to the National Organization for Women's NOW Foundation, an endeavor I fully support.  As a believer in Size Acceptance and Health at Every Size, I want to make every day "Love Your Body Day," for everyone. But I notice things.  Things like the fact that there are no fat bodies represented in...[ read more ]

“Big Big Love” and fat sexuality

My friend Hanne Blank is an author and scholar with far-reaching interests and tastes.  She has written a history of virginity, and has a history of heterosexuality coming out in early 2012, but she has also written and edited books of erotica.  Rumor has it that she may be working on a project about exercising while fat, among other tidbits....[ read more ]



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