whatever you want

Quick post: On supporting marriage.

Sociologist Phillip Cohen, who writes the excellent blog Family Inequality, appeared on Talk of the Nation recently as a guest alongside the head-desk worthy economist Isabel Sawhill who recently brought single-mom bashing into the 21st Century. He points out that many of the tangible benefits of two-parent families are things like stable housing, greater economic security, and health insurance, slyly...[ read more ]

Quick post: A great example of using one’s privilege for good.

This post from Bruce Reyes-Chow is a great example of a concrete answer to the question I tried to address in my previous post, "well what do you expect me to do if I have this privilege you're talking about?" Chow is a Presbyterian minister with a certain amount of pull in his church, having served a two-year term as...[ read more ]

Should AAMFT ask members to convene in North Carolina?

I just sent this email to the AAMFT Board of Directors (edited so that links are hyperlinks): ---- Dear AAMFT Board: I hope you will read this and other news stories about Amendment 1 which just passed in North Carolina.  Not only does it ban same-sex marriages, but also civil unions. According to AAMFT's own task force, legislation aimed at...[ read more ]

MFT and the Culture Wars

Over at his excellent blog MFT Progress Notes, my friend and colleague Dr. Ben Caldwell has been regularly blogging about the issue of therapists who have religious or moral objections to homosexuality.  There has been a flurry of legal cases against various schools and employers in the past couple of years, all of them due to students or therapists being...[ read more ]

Bad Santa: Part II

Yesterday I started in on ruining Christmas for everyone, or at least Jimmy Kimmel and some of his fans, by pointing out that his "Give your kids a terrible present and film it" challenge was... not actually that funny, when you realize that the humor goes way over the heads of most of the kids being filmed, and probably made...[ read more ]



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