whatever you want

A little linkspam

I've been working on a post about family therapy and the "Occupy" movement for what seems like weeks now, and meant to get it finished over the Thanksgiving holiday, but other projects got in the way.  (I mean what would I wear to Dickens Fair if I didn't finish sewing buttons on my skirt and dressing my hat?) [caption id=""...[ read more ]

Outdated psych textbooks on sexual orientation

At our 2011 AAMFT talk, I used a few comics from one of my favorite web cartoonists, Eyeteeth of Small Peculiar.  She is working on a cartoon-based book about Walter Freeman, the infamous lobotomist, and has an interest in the history of mental health treatments.  I particularly enjoy her occasional series "Outdated Psych Textbooks," and I included a few of...[ read more ]

“Queer Science” PowerPoint

By editing out a couple of video clips (the "Always My Son" video I linked to here, and a clip from the excellent documentary "Middle Sexes: Redefining He and She" - the relevant clip seems to be up on YouTube here) that we didn't actually get to in our talk, I was able to make the PowerPoint fit Word Press...[ read more ]

Addressing the question of “autogynephilia”

At our presentation at AAMFT 2011, one audience member approached me to ask about my opinion of the "autogynephelia" diagnosis.  I told her that I was skeptical, based on my reading thus far, and that I felt uncomfortable about the possibility that it was an attempt to provide an explanation for feelings that do not fit the heterosexual, cisgender male...[ read more ]

“Queer Science” presentation

AAMFT 2011 Queer Science Dr. Benson and I have saved our slides from our presentation as a .pdf.  You won't get the accompanying notes, but you can see the visuals.  The actual PowerPoint is a bit too big in its current form thanks to our video clips; I'll see if I can edit it down and post it later.  



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