whatever you want

Quick post: Independence Day

As we take a day to celebrate American independence, here's some freedoms worth celebrating. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] My ancestor George Wythe is somewhere in here. Thanks George![/caption] - Independence from dieting.  We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all [people] are unique, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life,...[ read more ]

Greetings from AFTA

I'm at the American Family Therapy Academy's annual meeting/conference this week.  Fortunately it's in my backyard.  Unfortunately this means driving across the Bay Bridge in rush hour traffic every morning for the opening plenary. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="@bacigalupe (AFTA President-elect) and @drsaddison at the AFTA Special Event"][/caption] Doing family-therapy-y, social-justice-y stuff all day is hard work!  I'm beat! Also...[ read more ]

It’s International Women’s Day

  It's International Women's Day! Well, "International" in the sense of "it's a major holiday in many countries, conveniently excluding the United States, where we are far more interested in celebrating mothers than women who do other kinds of boring ol' work beyond our romanticized notion of women as angelic baby factories." So first, here are some International Women's Day...[ read more ]

It’s leap year!

Happy day-that-only-comes-every-four-years!  And although I've been too busy lately to pay attention to my blog properly (or even make occasional  posts to my Twitter feed), I decided I would leap (ha) on this opportunity to post a few things that make me jump for joy. Margaret Cho's awesome rant about getting mad on Twitter at people who criticize her face...[ read more ]



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