Location & Hours

Days and Hours

Currently, I see clients on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Hours vary. I am typically on Pacific time, though sometimes I work while I am traveling.


As of March 2020, my practice converted to 100% online due to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent public health recommendations.
As of June 2020, I personally relocated to Seattle, WA. However, I continue to hold my California license and see clients via telehealth, particularly in Berkeley, Oakland, and the SF Bay Area. I continue to offer my services 100% online only and do not have an in-person office.

I currently hold licenses, and serve clients, in the following states:

  • California – LMFT #49616
  • Washington – LMFT #61067042
  • Connecticut – LMFT #2765
  • Massachusetts – LMFT #1897-MH-MF


I use Zoom for telehealth, which is a secure videoconferencing service that is compatible with the state and federal requirements for tele-medicine. You can download the free Zoom application for your Mac, PC, phone, or tablet, though I strongly recommend that you use a desktop or laptop computer if possible for our sessions.
I will send you more guidelines for a successful telehealth session once we schedule an appointment.



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