Hello from ASDAH!

I’m at the Association for Size Diversity and Health conference this weekend in Boston, MA, and I’m very excited to get to give a presentation tomorrow called “Fat Studies & Mental Health – A New Intersectional Lens.”  It’s part of their “Difficult Conversations” weekend, which began this evening with a group dinner, a discussion of how to bravely engage in difficult dialogues facilitated by fellow Oaklandish gal Lisa Marie Alatorre, and radical poetry by Sonya Renee Taylor.

I’m really fortunate to be here – I was asked to serve as a program alternate when the committee reviewed proposals, and just a few weeks ago, they told me they’d had a presenter drop out so they had space for me after all.  Although it was a bit of a scramble to put together this trip, Boston is beautiful and walking by the Boston Public Garden today on my way back to the hotel from lunch, I felt incredibly grateful to be getting this opportunity to share with other Health at Every Size professionals about a topic that’s so important to me:  ending weight stigma in mental health, and adding an intersectional understanding of body size and HAES to mental health training programs.

I’ve made the presentation available at Slideshare, so feel free to take a look!



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