New announcements for 2015

It’s two months into the new year, and there have been lots of new things happening in my world.  Most importantly, I’ve been working as the Interim Program Director for the master’s in Clinical Counseling  at Alliant International University in San Francisco since the fall semester.  Meaning, I’ve had to reduce the amount of time I spend seeing clients because I have obligations to students and faculty.

However, I spent all of 2014 providing supervision for a terrific MFT intern, Kim Paulus, who passed her two licensing exams right before the holidays (great job, Kim!) and received her license number from the state just after the first of the new year.  After taking a month to sort out the last of our business, I interviewed candidates for two intern positions, and hired Richelle Corbo and Amber Boyd to work with me in my practice.

I’ll be making another post soon to introduce Richelle and Amber, but for now, wanted to let visitors know that both of them have openings in their schedule.  Richelle works on Mondays and Amber works on Saturdays in the Berkeley office.

(Having new interns also means I may be able to give this site a facelift soon.)

And speaking of the office, we’ll be moving at the end of this month!  Fortunately, we won’t go far:  just next door, to 2006 Milvia.  The new office suite will have more protection from street noise, and best of all, an ELEVATOR!  This means we’ll be able to be an accessible office for people with mobility issues.  This shouldn’t interfere with client sessions at all; just don’t be surprised when we suddenly give you instructions for finding our new office.

Screen Shot 2015-03-01 at 7.10.24 PMHow’s your new year going?


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