whatever you want

Body talk and the holidays

A mixed race woman with blonde hair looks at the viewer in disbelief while women sit to either side of her.

Recently, Cory Steig of Refinery 29 reached out to me to ask for some advice on how to handle all the weird, body-shaming, food-shaming things families can do and say during the holidays (when food is EVERYWHERE, of course - mixed messages much?)  She published this great slideshow of some of my responses, but I wanted to offer a fuller...[ read more ]

Happy Holidays!

I've been quiet around the blog for a long time, but I'm hoping to write more in 2014. Meanwhile, the holiday season has crept up on me yet again!  As someone who wears a lot of different hats in my work life, this time of year always seems to be a rush of "Grades are due! Textbooks for next semester...[ read more ]



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