whatever you want

“Queer Science” PowerPoint

By editing out a couple of video clips (the "Always My Son" video I linked to here, and a clip from the excellent documentary "Middle Sexes: Redefining He and She" - the relevant clip seems to be up on YouTube here) that we didn't actually get to in our talk, I was able to make the PowerPoint fit Word Press...[ read more ]

“Queer Science” presentation

AAMFT 2011 Queer Science Dr. Benson and I have saved our slides from our presentation as a .pdf.  You won't get the accompanying notes, but you can see the visuals.  The actual PowerPoint is a bit too big in its current form thanks to our video clips; I'll see if I can edit it down and post it later.  

World Science Festival – “The Origins of Orientation”

Another source for some of the video clips in our AAMFT talk was the World Science Festival's "Origins of Orientation" program. You can watch the full 90-minute video from this page, which also links to a number of shorter clips as well. We opened with The Many Faces of Human Sexuality, and later sharedMaking Impossible Predictions about Human Sexuality. Here's...[ read more ]

“Diagnosing Difference”

During our presentation, we shared some clips from the film "Diagnosing Difference," an excellent documentary about transgender people's views on the GID diagnosis. I strongly recommend that all clinicians and mental health educators view the full film, which can be purchased from the filmmaker's website at http://www.diagnosingdifference.com/ You can view the trailer below:

“81 Words” – This American Life

In our talk on Queer Research Dr. Benson and I will be sharing an excerpt from the "This American Life" episode called "81 Words." The entire episode is a history of the efforts to remove homosexuality from the DSM. You can hear the whole podcast, or read a transcript, here.



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