whatever you want

Hello from ASDAH!

I'm at the Association for Size Diversity and Health conference this weekend in Boston, MA, and I'm very excited to get to give a presentation tomorrow called "Fat Studies & Mental Health – A New Intersectional Lens."  It's part of their "Difficult Conversations" weekend, which began this evening with a group dinner, a discussion of how to bravely engage in...[ read more ]

AAMFT 2012 presentation

It's been a quiet couple of months on the blog here as summer has ended and fall has begun.  I'm at the AAMFT Annual Conference in Charlotte, NC where I'm presenting with Dr. Michael Loewy of Alliant International University on our research about one of his doctoral electives. Dr. Loewy has offered a "Fat Acceptance and Health at Every Size"...[ read more ]

“Queer Science” PowerPoint

By editing out a couple of video clips (the "Always My Son" video I linked to here, and a clip from the excellent documentary "Middle Sexes: Redefining He and She" - the relevant clip seems to be up on YouTube here) that we didn't actually get to in our talk, I was able to make the PowerPoint fit Word Press...[ read more ]

Addressing the question of “autogynephilia”

At our presentation at AAMFT 2011, one audience member approached me to ask about my opinion of the "autogynephelia" diagnosis.  I told her that I was skeptical, based on my reading thus far, and that I felt uncomfortable about the possibility that it was an attempt to provide an explanation for feelings that do not fit the heterosexual, cisgender male...[ read more ]

“Queering Research”

When we read research about sexual and gender minorities, it's my belief that we have an ethical responsibility to engage it critically.  I personally find queer theory to be a useful lens for this kind of critical thinking about research.  I have drawn up this list of questions to suggest a "queered" way of looking at the literature in this...[ read more ]



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