whatever you want

“Virginia Satir” post featured at Geek Feminism

The always-amazing blog Geek Feminism has a series called "Wednesday Geek Woman," where they solicit guest posts about women, past or present, who represent excellence and passionate devotion in their field of interest.  For the most part, the series has focused on women in the STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering, and math), fields that are notoriously hostile to women and...[ read more ]

So, you have a zombie in your family.

Neuroscientists Dr. Bradley Voytek and Dr. Tim Verstynen have been posting an excellent series on the zombie brain.  They've asked questions like "Why are zombies so hungry for your flesh?" and "What's up with all that moaning?" and used that knowledge to suggest how to survive the zombie apocalypse.  I certainly feel safer now knowing that if they come for...[ read more ]



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