whatever you want

Weighing in on “The Weight of the Nation”

For those who haven't heard, HBO is airing a two-part documentary on May 14 and 15, called "The Weight of the Nation."  It's getting a tremendous amount of press, and is being promoted by The Center for Disease Control and National Institute of Health, who were partners in making it. Unfortunately, it looks like it's going to be the same...[ read more ]

MFT and the Culture Wars

Over at his excellent blog MFT Progress Notes, my friend and colleague Dr. Ben Caldwell has been regularly blogging about the issue of therapists who have religious or moral objections to homosexuality.  There has been a flurry of legal cases against various schools and employers in the past couple of years, all of them due to students or therapists being...[ read more ]

You and your New Year’s Eve hangover

Or, everything you always wanted to know about drinking but the LA Times won't tell you! So, I spent several years teaching alcohol education and harm reduction at one of the top "party schools" in the US. While my program's primary goal was to reduce problem drinking among students, our harm reduction focus meant that anything that reduced alcohol's negative...[ read more ]

Time for linkspam!

1) This little girl is complaining about the very thing I was getting out in Bad Santa Part II:  gender policing.  Yay for her supportive dad! 2) Feminists and family therapists take note:  Sick [heterosexually-married] men get support from their wives.  Sick [heterosexually-married] women get... divorced.  (Gay people don't exist, and single people die in a ditch, I guess.) 3)...[ read more ]

Bad Santa: Part II

Yesterday I started in on ruining Christmas for everyone, or at least Jimmy Kimmel and some of his fans, by pointing out that his "Give your kids a terrible present and film it" challenge was... not actually that funny, when you realize that the humor goes way over the heads of most of the kids being filmed, and probably made...[ read more ]



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